Landscaping and Landscaping Buffers Tag

On February 28, the PC forwarded a positive recommendation on Adaptive Reuse to the City Council We have had questions about the Wendy’s on 1300 E, they are not going anywhere, just doing a much needed remodel. We learned about a new project called Fairmont Heights 2557...

On December 5 the  Salt Lake City Council voted to approve Affordable Housing Incentives (AHI) zoning changes to encourage affordable housing construction across the City. This landmark decision comes after months of thorough Council deliberations, underscoring the City's commitment to making Salt Lake City an affordable place to live despite growth and change. The...

The proposal for the Kum and Go at 2111 South 1300 East was on the Planning Commission Agenda April 12, 2023.  It was denied by the Planning Commission.  The decision has now been appealed, and there should be a hearing soon.  I don’t believe it...

At our March 20 LUZ meeting, we discussed the following: Sight Distance Triangle, which has to do with having clear vision zone areas at each intersection of streets, driveways and streets, and driveways and sidewalks.  It also includes the regulation of fences, walls, and hedges, and this will add...