SHCC Meeting Minutes Oct 1, 2014

SHCC Meeting Minutes Oct 1, 2014

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2014

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry,  Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Deb Henry, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Steve Kirkegaard, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Rawlins Young
Trustees Excused Absent: Robin Bastar, Topher Horman, Christopher Thomas
Trustees Absent: Scott Kisling, David Mulder, Jack Perry

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Maggie Shaw, SHCC Chair

Approval of the September minutes: Judy moved to approve the minutes, Ed seconded. The motion passed with no corrections to the September  meeting minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There were two trustees that renewed petitions for another three years.

Larry Migliaccio from Dilworth has served on the council for six years.   He has been on the Transportation Committee for the entire time, serving as chair for one and a half years.  Amy moved to approve his petition, Joedy seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Judi Short from Emerson has served on the council for thirtysix years.  She has served many of those years as a Vice Chair for the council and as chair of the Land Use and Zoning Committee.  Amy moved to approve her petition, Larry seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

David Read from the Grandview area submitted a new trustee petition.  He has lived in Sugar House most of his life and in the Grandview area with his wife and children for six years. He works at Weber State University as a Professor of Law and Ethics in the School of Business.  He also maintains a small law practice in Salt Lake and he is looking forward to working on council.  Sally moved to accept his petition, Judy and Larry seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  Sally confirmed with David that he will have trustee voting privileges starting in November.

Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar

Excused Absent

Chair Report: Maggie Shaw

Maggie opened the time period for the election of new officers for the community council.  Benny distributed ballots to be collected later in the meeting.

This meeting was Maggie’s last as chair of the Sugar House Community Council.  Larry thanked Maggie for her year of service as chair which brought applause from the trustees.

Maggie introduced Kailey Kornhauser President, ASWC from Westminster who will be helping with the upcoming political debate. There will be a meet and greet for candidates running in this fall’s election on Monday, Oct 6th at Westminster from 6:30-7:30pm. Starting at 7:30 there will be a debate with candidates from House District 25 and Senate District 2.   Jani  Iwamoto running for Senate District 4 will be there but there will not be a debate for Senate District 4.

Fire Department Report: Captain Bob Silverthorne

Fire Station #3 had 186 runs in September with a YTD total of 1530 runs.  In all of Salt Lake City, there were 2003 medical calls and 513 fire calls for the month of September.

The public relations officer puts the monthly and YTD totals for each station in the monthly newsletter that you can find at Last month was emergency preparedness month and the website has links to many topics regarding emergency preparedness in the home. Station #3 participated in the annual Chili Cook Off which raises money for the U of U Burn Camp for children who have suffered burn injuries.

The water rescue team assisted with the accident involving three teenagers who were trapped in a vehicle that went off of Indiana Avenue and ended up upside down in the Jordan River.  Two of the victims were freed after bystanders turned the car upright.  After they arrived, the water rescue team had to extricate the third victim.  Captain Silverthorne said it is rewarding to have a successful rescue in a challenging situation.

Coming up is Fire Prevention Week, established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.  That fire killed over 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, and destroyed 17,400 structures.  Over 2000 acres were burned over Oct 8-9, 1871.  Fire Prevention Week gives our firefighters the opportunity to teach the public about fire prevention and to open the stations for tours.

  • Larry asked about a fire that was in the area of 17th south and 20th east.  Firefighter Dan Whitaker reported that the fire started in the carport and spread to the home causing extensive damage.  The neighboring home sustained some roof damage.

Police Report: Officer Bill Manzanares

This is a new assignment for Officer Manzanares who has been with the police force for 8 years.  He spent 3 yrs on bike patrol in the shelter area and 5 yrs with SWAT.

The Chief’s Message last month was a question and answer session where he answered some of the most asked questions regarding the department.  It included things like the budget, number of officers, and the percentage of officers per capita.  Nationally there are approximately 2.5 officers per 1000 residents and SLC is within that range.  SLC is unique in that during the daytime our population surges with those who commute to SLC for work and it drops back down in the evening hours, so during the day we have less officers per 1000 in population.  To hear Chief Burbank’s message go to

Officer Manzanares arrested a young male adult who was vandalizing property in Fairmont Park.  He was caught with a permanent marker that he was using to deface public property.  Upon questioning he admitted that he was tagging and agreed to show Officer Manzanares all of his tags.  Because of the style of tagging, it is believed he is also the one who vandalized the Santa Shack, although there may be others involved.  The department will pursue felony charges because the extend of the damages included over 40 separate tags in the park alone.

  • Larry asked if there was any connection to the Main Library tagging incident.  That is unlikely, but they will be comparing pictures taken from various locations to try to determine who is tagging.
  • Deb asked if the perpetrator had been read his rights prior to admitting to the tagging. Officer Manzanares did not read him his Miranda Rights after the initial confession because he wanted his cooperation in locating all the tagging.  Since this was not a formal interrogation and the perpetrator freely confessed, it was felt unnecessary.  He will be charged with a felony because the amount of damage was over $1,500 but it is likely to be pled down to a misdemeanor charge.
  • Laure asked if it would be possible for the perpetrator to perform restitution work in Sugar House.  Officer Manzanares said that the officers do not make those recommendations to the judge, but that the perpetrator had expressed some willingness to make it right and he may ask the judge for that during his sentencing.
  • A member of the audience asked if it is possible to get a flashing pedestrian light at the Smith’s Grocery Store on 21st East.  He was referred to the Transportation Department.  Deb volunteered to get the phone number for him.

Public Comments for Items Not On The Agenda:

Audience member Tamara Moores spoke about her concerns about the high level of crime in Sugar House.  Specifically, she has had her home burglarized three times in two years, including one forced entry into her yard while she was home.  She owns her home on Lincoln St north of 21st South, and is frustrated and anxious about the situation.  She will be completing her education at the U of U next year and is seriously contemplating whether she should leave the area after graduation.  She loves all that Sugar House has to offer for amenities but finds the crime intolerable.  One thing she is asking for is more street lights, as there are none in her area.  She gave us her phone number and email address.  Sally will have Officer Manzanares contact her.

Wayne Mills from the SLC Planning Department made an announcement about a public open house regarding the Parley’s Way Corridor Plan from 2300 East to the freeway off ramp.  The city has recognized that Parley’s Way and Foothill Drive are gateways into the city and would like to develop beautification plans for these areas.  The city council has allocated funds to perform corridor planning for both Foothill and Parley’s.  Originally the projects were going to be done together, but they have now decided to separate the two and start with Parley’s Way.  They have hired a consultant who has performed a current conditions analysis and issue identification report. They are now ready to gather public input for ideas for the design.  There will be an open house on Monday Oct 20th from 5:00-7:00pm at Architectural Nexus located at 2505 Parley’s Way. If you are unable to attend, Wayne left a stack of business cards on the back table and you can contact him directly.

  • An audience member asked how many public meetings are planned.  Wayne stated that after the ideas are put into a design plan there will be more public meetings.
  • Rawlins commented that he approved of the idea of beautification for gateway areas of the city. He also said that something needs to be done to slow the traffic in the area.

Wayne pointed out that Parley’s Way is owned by the city which will make it easier to move forward with the project.  Foothill is a state owned arterial street.

  • Amy thanked Wayne for coming back to a project that will enhance our area of the city.

Ben Davis from the RDA presented an update on the Monument Plaza construction.  Some new businesses have opened or will open soon.  Wasatch Brew Pub opened on the corner of 21st and Highland on Sept. 17th.  Mellow Mushroom will open on Oct 15th.  Due to construction, the Santa Shack will be relocated for this holiday season only to the Sugarmont Plaza.  It will be open Nov. 29th through Dec. 23rd.

  • Teddy suggested that signage pointing visitors to Sugarmont Plaza for the Santa Shack would be helpful. Judy said they could use the Farmer’s Market sign and Amy said that the Sugarmont marque could also be used to announce the change.
  • Laurie asked whether the Monument Plaza opening celebration will be in December or in the spring.  The date has not been determined, Ben will let us know as soon as they have a date.
  • Teddy asked which other businesses that will be coming to the area.  Ben has had conversations with Russ Callister from Sugar House Crossings but he isn’t at liberty to tell us who they are negotiating with or how many businesses they are talking to at this time.

Van Hoover,  Green City Growers Program Coordinator  – Wasatch Community Gardens wanted to announce that there is an area in Dilworth Park near Dilworth Elementary that is a potential area for a community garden.  Van is doing outreach for the program and wanted to announce two open houses for the project.  The first is on Thurs Oct 2nd at the City and County Building and the second is on Oct 18th also at the City and County Building.  There is funding through the city for the development of community gardens if there is interest and leadership provided by the neighborhood.  Van will leave more information on the back table.

  • Deb stated that other cities have planted fruit trees in public spaces and she wondered if SLC has any plans to plant fruit trees or food forests in public right of ways.   Van stated that the city does not have the maintenance budget to take care of fruit trees or other garden plantings on city property.  Deb pointed out that in some areas of the country there are non-profit groups who care for fruit trees, but Van said he is unaware of any such group in Salt Lake City.

Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

There will be a presentation later in the meeting regarding the 21st and 21st rezone for mixed use development in Sugar House.  The new zone would allow buildings higher than 2 stories to be built on this parcel.  There is a public meeting regarding the rezone scheduled for Tuesday Oct 21st at 7:00pm at Dilworth School.  There will be a Outreach Committee pre-meeting on Oct 7th at the Rose Garden House at Sugar House Park to coordinate flyer distribution informing the surrounding neighborhood about the meeting on the 21st. The Outreach Committee will also be providing more  information on our website and the flyers will contain the website address.

Westminster College is requesting a rezone for some houses that they own between the Shaw Pottery Center extending south on 13th East to Westminster Avenue.  They are holding a public meeting on Tuesday Oct 14th at 6:00pm the Alumni House.

Lisa Adams informed Judi that Ronaldo Hunt has requested another neighborhood meeting regarding the Boys and Girls Club / tennis court parcel.  He will be presenting his latest plans for developing the property.  The neighborhood has requested that the meeting date be changed because of state UEA.  The meeting date and times will be announced later.

The project at 2442 South 9th East will be on the Planning Commission’s agenda on Oct 8th.  It got pushed to a later date because of a typo in the original scheduling of the agenda item.

Parks, Open Space and Trails: Sally Barraclough

The POST Committee did not meet in September but they continue to work on current projects.

Sally reminded trustees of two upcoming work dates for the Blaine Hollow Restoration Project.  City crews will be assisting with these work projects.  The first work day will be a clean up day scheduled for Saturday Oct 11th from 9:00 to 12:00.  They will be removing trash and dead branches from the area and possibly install erosion- control fabric onto several sections of the hillside.

The second work day is a planting day scheduled for Saturday Oct 25th.  They will be planting willows and other shrubs on the stream bank by hand utilizing planting bars.

If you can help please contact Christopher Lee at so that they are sure to have sufficient number of  tools available.

Transportation: Deb Henry

Deb has a background in Civil Engineering and Urban Planning.  She is currently vice-chair of a non-profit that is focused on recycling, and chairs the SHCC Transportation Committee.

Salt Lake City did not receive TIGAR Six funding, that would have provided money for the streetcar expansion. They did not receive the previous TIGAR grant on the first try either.  They are currently looking into why they weren’t selected for this round of funding, and will continue to develop relationships that will hopefully help when they apply again in the future.   There were 15 times the number of applications vs the funding that was available.  This demonstrates that cities across the country are very interested in installing light rail systems.

Salt Lake City Council agreed to a 4.5 million expenditure for the S-Line expansion and there is now a local effort to see that money spent on expanding existing services, including keeping the streetcar and buses running later in the evening.

The HIVE pass program was ended by the city.  There were only 3000 passes purchased which was short of their goal of 6000.  95% of the people who responded to a HIVE pass questionnaire felt that there wasn’t enough advertising about the program.  It has not been decided whether the city will be reassessing the program.

Arts and Cultural: Laurie Bray

Laurie provided a reminder about the Sugar House Art Walk which is held the second Friday of every month.  There will be one on Oct 10th and again on Nov 14th.  There will not be an art walk in December.

The Sugar House Chamber of Commerce is working on a Winter Festival for December.  The date is not firm but it looks like it will be held on Dec 6th.  Melo Flores from the chamber said they are looking for volunteers to help with the event.  They are also looking for a public or privately owned space in which to hold some of the activities.  If you have such a space or know of one, please contact Laurie Bray or Melo Flores.   They are forming an event committee to guide the planning.

Salt Lake Community Network: Judi Short

No Report

Sugar House Chamber of Commerce: Judi Short

Winter Festival plans–see the Arts and Cultural report.

Communications and Outreach: Joedy Lister

The committee is committed to making sure the neighborhood surrounding the 21st and 21st area is aware of the new zone that is being proposed for their area.  If anyone is able to help with flyer distribution please come to the meeting in the SH Park Garden Center at  7:00pm on Oct 7th.


21st and 21st Rezone

Tom Holbert Developer of Project 21 and 21

Justin Heppler Architect VCBO

Maggie noted before the presentation that she received an email informing her that the EPA is starting to take soil core samples to determine the level of pollutants and contamination left from the dry cleaner business that was previously located on this parcel.  Judi received the city report and will have it posted on our website.

Tom started by stating that what attracted them to this particular parcel is the obvious fact that the conditions of the existing buildings make this an area ready for redevelopment.  They feel that a mixed use development would bring new elements and vibrancy to the area.  They would like to provide a development with shops and restaurants on the main level and housing located on the upper levels.  They envision modern living spaces with the latest amenities.

Justin from VCBO thanked the Land Use and Zoning Committee for meeting with them on several occasions to start discussions about a new zone designation for this area.  The parcel is currently zoned Commercial /Business which was a zone that was originally created to allow for mixed uses in a neighborhood.  It has a height limit of 30 feet which doesn’t fit with the newer commercial/ residential developments.

The first floor needs to have a 15 foot floor to floor height and residential floors need a 10 foot floor to floor height.  Under the old zone height limit of 30 ft that will only allow for one floor of residential units.  That restriction does not fit with the Sugar House Master Plan vision for neighborhood commercial residential districts.

When they first started looking at the development of this parcel, they looked at all the existing SLC zoning that could be used in this location and found that the available zoning did not meet the needs for a larger development.  They are hoping to craft a zone that would be a middle ground between the commercial business district zone and the community business district zone.  The new zone called the Sugar House Neighborhood Business District Zone would be a transitional zone between residential and business districts.

They used the Sugar House Business District Commercial Zone as a model and stepped it down to get new language for the Neighborhood Business District Zone.   They are hopeful that the new zone would provide additional options in housing as well as a vibrant business area within the scale of the size of the neighborhood.  They hope to provide an environment that is welcoming to the new residents of the development as well as the existing property owners in the surrounding area.  The language for the new zone will be posted on the SHCC website.   

The Land Use and Zoning Committee suggested that the minimum lot size to utilize the new zone should be no less than 1 acre.  The side yards are to be landscaped and not to be used for such things as access to underground parking.  This language was included in the submission to the city.  If the developer can add additional amenities to the project they would be rewarded with additional density allowances which would increase the allowable height. Such amenities might include public plazas accessible from the sidewalk, providing  more street front retail than is currently required, providing internal or underground parking, and providing sidewalks that are 10-15ft clear with outdoor dining being within the footprint of the building, not on the sidewalk.

The height of buildings is covered under section G:a.  The taller buildings would have to be located on a main arterial street, not on a small residential street.  There is a list of 15 amenities of which the developer would be required to meet 10.  You can find the amenities list in the document posted on the SHCC website.

In closing, they are hoping to develop an area that people will want to come to dine, have a coffee, or use the pocket park /plaza areas.  They want a walkable development that will be used by the entire neighborhood not just the development residents.

  • An audience member asked the exact location.  It will extend one block north of the 21st and 21st Blue Plate Dinner and to the Credit Union to the east.
  • Lisa Adams wanted confirmation on the number of stories in a  55ft building.  55ft would allow for a 5 story building.
  • Another audience member who was a former trustee on the SHCC expressed strong opposition to the new zone.  She expressed her concerns that this meeting and the meeting at Dilworth will not be enough to inform the neighborhood about the rezone.  Justin reminded the audience that there have been several open meetings with the LUZ committee and that this is the first in more public meetings.
  • Teddy asked for clarification regarding required amenities and the amenities option list.  The language of the zone makes the distinction and the optional list enables the developer to gain more height for a project, up to 55 ft.
  • Larry asked if this developer has any connection to the condo development to the north.  There is no relationship.  The condos are zoned residential multi family 35 ft zone.  The building is 3 stories but the roof design brings them up to about 3 ½ stories.
  • Benny asked if they have considered the impact on the safety of children walking to and from Dilworth Elementary.  That was addressed in the LUZ meetings and there is the possibility of creating mid-block crossings through the development.
  • Michael asked how many businesses that are currently in the area will not be there after they start construction.  Tom pointed out that the property has sat in it’s current condition for many years.  Because the corner property has in the past been a dry cleaners and a gas station they will have to dig down 20-30 feet to do soil remediation at considerable cost to the development. Businesses will likely have to relocate for construction.
  • An audience member express concern about the bumper to bumper traffic during the morning and evening commutes in the area.  She also expressed concern about the safety for school children going home after 3:00 because the traffic starts to get heavy during that time.
  • Larry expressed his support for a traffic study including entrance and egress to the property.  A mass transit stop in the area would help mitigate the auto traffic issue.
  • Deb stated that 21st south has the potential for a good mass transit opportunities.  She asked about the costs of the residential units hoping that there will be a diversity of costs and sizes.  At this time it is premature to say what those details will be.
  • The PTA President from Dilworth asked what they can expect at the meeting on the 21st.  Judi said that following a short presentation, there will be a question and answer session.  There will also be comment cards available for members of the community to ask questions or express concerns.

Maggie reminded us that we all need to get involved and help spread the word about the community meeting being held at Dilworth Elementary on Oct 21st.  The new zone, if approved, could affect many areas of our city as new developments are planned.

Spotlight on Business: Michael G Kavanagh

Kimi’s Chop and Oyster House 5:00-10:00pm Mon-Thurs. 5:00-12:00pm Fri and Sat

Wired Walrus Cafe: 7:00am -9:00pm Mon-Sat

Highland Dr.

The Wired Walrus will be offering waffles and other upscale breakfast items.  Kimi’s Chop and Oyster House will offer upscale dining at the fire pits on the street side and formal dining inside.  They have hired a pastry chef who will creating desserts on site.  The decor is dark navy blue walls with white upholstered furnishings.

They will be having live music in the balcony area of the restaurant. Kimi is working with the chef she had at her Absolute! restaurant in downtown SLC.  They have been working together since 1997 and have a long history together at various restaurant endeavors. The restaurant is scheduled to open on Tuesday, Oct 14th.  Their liquor license is a full “Restaurant License” which means they won’t be serving after midnight.

  • Maggie confirmed that they will be serving their special mushroom soup that was on the menu at the restaurant at Solitude.

Salt Lake City Council: Lisa Adams, District 7

Lisa’s items were covered in the other presentations.  She told Laurie Bray that they may have someone lined up to move the Santa Shack for the holidays.  Amy requested follow up on the funding source for the crossing guards at the schools.  Lisa confirmed that they are not paid out of CIP funds.

Mayor’s Office Report: Shawn McDonough

On Saturday Oct 4th the Mayor will be meeting with neighbors from our area at Bruges Waffles on Highland Drive from 10-11 am.  He will be at the Harmon’s Emigration Market from 12:00-1:00 and in the avenues at Hatch Chocolates and Public Coffee House later in the day.

The Signature Events Fund is accepting applications for grants for community events.  The deadline to apply is Oct 21st at 5:00pm.

Capital City News available to watch shorts about what is going on in the city.  There is a history short that is very interesting. Go to

A “Safe Neighborhoods” program is being organized by the SLC emergency preparedness team.  Safe stands for  Schools, Aide, Families, and Emergency.  Community members are encouraged in an emergency to go to their nearest elementary school and to bring their 96hr emergency kit.  The team is looking for volunteers who are willing to help organization at the school in the event of an emergency.  Go to to find more information regarding volunteering and training.

300 South is under construction for the bike corridor.  During this time there is free 2hr parking from 200 west to 300 east to help support the businesses.

The EPA is conducting soil samples in the 21st and 21st area to determine the amount of contamination from businesses that were previously located in the area.  Your water is safe to drink and the city will be keeping us informed about the findings.

Shawn gave away books to the two people who could answer a quiz questions about her presentation.

Michael G. thanked the city for their support of our sister city in Thurlis Ireland.  SLC supplied small gifts, ie key chains etc that Michael personally delivered during his recent trip to Thurlis.

Election Results – Benny Keele Election Committee Chair

Benny started by thanking all of last years executive council members, especially Maggie Shaw who served as Chair of the Sugar House Community Council for 2014

The results of tonight’s election were as follows:

Chair:  Amy Barry
1st Vice Chair – Judi Short
2nd Vice Chair – Carole Straughn
3rd Vice Chair – Maggie Shaw
Secretary – Sally Barraclough
Treasurer – Robin Baster

Sprague Library – Dolly Rauh

The SLC Library was honored to become a part of the National Endowment for the Arts Big Read Program.  They are encouraging the public to read the book “When the Emperor was Divine”.  Copies are available free of charge at all city libraries , and there are multiple events scheduled around the topic covered in the book. The author will be at the Main Library on Oct 23rd at 7:00pm for a book discussion.

The Sprague Library will be having two events.  The first is on November 8th at 2:30pm there will be a Japanese Tea Ceremony and on November 22nd at 2:30-4:00pm there will be a book discussion.  We are being encouraged to “read the book and leave the book” so someone else will pick it up and read it.

Dolly gave us a reminder to use the new Salt Lake City Library app  It is much approved over the old library app.

Meeting Adjourned at  8:55 pm

Landon Clark