Sugar Flats Apartments (640 E Wilmington Ave) used to be Liberty Village Apartments

Sugar Flats Apartments (640 E Wilmington Ave) used to be Liberty Village Apartments

DSC_0107This property was sold in May of 2022 and is now called Sugar Flats Apartments

A proposed development of 70 town homes has been submitted to Salt Lake City for the property located at 640 E Wilmington Ave. There are 9 different structures and each of them will be 35′ in height. A total of 79 parking stalls are proposed for the residents and 9 for visitors within the development.

If you want regular updates on what goes on in the community sign up for our newsletter.

The planner has given us guidelines for comments that would be most relevant and helpful to making this project better for the community.

1. Consistency with the adopted Master Plan policies and Zoning District regulations;
2. Adequacy of streets and access to accommodate the proposed use;
3. Appropriateness of the design of the internal circulation system to accommodate the proposed use;
4. Adequacy of existing or proposed utility services to accommodate the proposed use and to mitigate adverse impact on adjacent land uses or resources;
5. Appropriateness of buffering to protect adjacent land uses from light, noise and visual impacts;
6. Consistency of architecture and building materials with the development and compatibility with the adjacent neighborhood;
7. Appropriateness of landscaping for the scale of the development; and
8. Assurance of preservation of historical, architectural and environmental features of the property.

Below you will find the documents sent to us by Salt Lake City.

If you are unable to attend the Land Use & Zoning Committee meeting on June 20th we also will have the developer present at the July 6th general meeting at Sprague Library, which goes from 7-9pm. You can also use the comment form below to submit comments. All your feedback will go into the report we submit to the Salt Lake City Planning Commission, which is the decision making body for this project.

640 E Wilmington Sugar House Community Council Letter
640 E Wilmington Application
640 E Wilmington Planned Development
640 E Wilmington Plans
640 E Additional Drawing
640 E Wilmington Updated July 5, 2016

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Landon Clark